Forgiveness & compassion

Forgiveness & Compassion
To offer forgiveness exposes one's feeling that the person one is forgiving acted with malicious intent and to ask to be forgiven tells that one's intent was malicious. An innocent act, done with no malicious intent, begs understanding not forgiveness. Forgiveness is empty and is predicated on the bad intent, of one or of the other, which does not exist, because with understanding, the other's actions become inevitabilities and require no forgiveness.
Once one truly understands another person their motivations and their actions becomes clear and require no forgiveness or excuse: they are who they are and cannot be otherwise.  It is one's own desire for the other one to be other than they are that causes suffering in one's self and in the other; just as it is their desire for one to be other than they are that causes suffering in them and in one's self.
Every one is what one is and resists an other's effort to make them in their own image. How can one judge the other if one does not understand that other? If one cannot see the other for whom they are how can one divine their intent and insist forgiveness be given or received? And once understanding them, seeing them as they are, there is no more judgement for every act is exactly what it is expected to be. Not knowing them, not truly understanding them, why they do what they do, leaves one frustrated as to why they are not otherwise. It is this frustration, this inability to 'step into the other's shoes' that leads one to believe that they should be other than they are. It is one's own inability to empathize with them that gestates one's entitlement, one's desire, to make them other that what they are and sows the seeds of one's misunderstanding of their intent.
Understanding is freedom. Once one truly understands another what can one feel other than compassion for their suffering and their joy and comprehension of their behavior? Understanding is compassion. Compassion is the freedom to let go of whom one thinks they should be because one understands who they are. To let go of one's conception of whom they ought to be is the freedom to be one's self because one no longer worries that the other is not whom one thinks the other should be and no longer needs to disperse oneself in the futile effort to change the other.
God is compassion. 
God does not forgive because 
God feels what one feels because
God understands whom one is because
one is a part of God and
God knows it self and
one can not be apart:
one can not be without God.

God understands you and knows you and cries your pain.
God understands you and knows you and dances
like a whirling dervish at your ecstasy and joy.
God lives as you as it lives as every one.
God sings your joy and
suffers your suffering
and cries with every wounding
and this is the sacrifice.
God cannot be its self for it is you.
God sacrifices its self for the being of you.
God understands who you are,
why you are,
what you are,
and in this knowledge, can do nothing but
suffer your pain and
become ecstasy itself in your joy and
waste its self in being your self because its
understanding brings infinite compassion.
This is the sacrifice and resurrection:
God is born, dies and lives with each creation and
because God knows you as God knows every creation.
God cannot do other than be compassion and
compassion is pain and joy and sacrifice and death and birth again.
God is your self be-ing and as such sacrifices God's self for the love of you and this is the sacrifice.

And God's understanding of you, and I, and everything, makes God incapable of doing anything but
loving you and crying for your pain and suffering as you suffer.
And in God's understanding, and God's compassion, and God's be-ing your self there is no forgiveness to
be given because there is perfect understanding and perfect compassion and this is the sacrifice.

And God is resurrected is every hope and in every dream reborn and in every joy and in every creation for
creation is nothing more than the dreams and hopes of tomorrow and tomorrow's tomorrow for ever on.


  1. Imagine there are only two worlds: the world of ego and the world of Truth. The world of ego separates itself out of guilt of having separated itself and fear of consequent
    revenge. All fear is false. The ego creates illusion that is not truth but that covers over the Truth. The Truth is love. God, according to ACIM, does not sacrifice Itself in compassion of the ego. Why would it reproduce illusion? God loves and waits patiently for us to come out of believing the falsity of ego but does not suffer us in ego else It has not understood us. We are what we are. When we are ego we are Ego creating Ego. When we are God we are God creating God. When are God there is no need to suffer or have compassion or forgive. We are simply, utterly love.


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